
Economic complexity of goods and services in Uruguay


Complejidad económica uruguaya en bienes y servicios

The objective of this work was to explore the recent history and diagnosis of the complexity of Uruguay’s export structure of goods and services, and to identify those products for which the country has high opportunity values. For this, the methodology of the Product Space is applied (Hidalgo et al., 2007) and the economic complexity of the productive sector (Hidalgo and Hausmann, 2009).

The Impact of a Mathematics Computer‐Assisted Learning Platform on Students’ Mathematics Test Scores


Marcelo Perera
Diego Aboal


Since 2013, the Uruguayan educational system has been using an online adaptive learning tool for
mathematics: The Mathematics Adaptive Platform (PAM for its Spanish acronym). PAM’s content
has been adapted to the national curriculum and it is a tool that – based on an analysis of students’
experiences – offers personalised feedback according to each student’s skill level. The use of PAM
has been spreading throughout the education system. By 2016, approximately half of all students in
3rd through 6th grades of primary education had used the platform. The purpose of this study is to
identify the effect of the use of PAM on the test score gain in mathematics based on longitudinal
data from a sample of students in primary education. The results show a positive effect of 0.2
standard deviations on mathematics test scores. Results also show that the impact of PAM increases
as the socioeconomic status of students decreases. There is no heterogeneous impact by gender.
This is the first evidence at a country‐wide level of the impact of a pedagogical tool of this type.



Knowledge networks for innovation in the forestry sector: Multinational companies in Uruguay


Diego Aboal, FLavia Rovira y Federico Veneri.


In this paper, we analyse the role that inter-agency and inter-business linkages have in the process of technological innovations in the forestry sector in Uruguay. We focus on what types of interaction prevail in the process of creating new knowledge and diffusing existing ones and what role different types of organizations have during this process. This paper offers new insights into the role that innovation in multinational firms has on knowledge creation and diffusion in developing countries as they interact with and reinforce weak sectoral innovation systems. Our findings indicate that multinational companies follow three main strategies to cope with the limitations of the local innovation system: cooperate among them, establish links with international research centres and, have a network of suppliers of technology. The spillovers to local agents are greater in case of networks established with the purpose of generate new knowledge.

Discovering specific common trends in a large set of disaggregates: statistical procedures, their properties and an empirical application



Guillermo Carlomagno: Central Bank of Chile and Center of Economic Research (CINVE)

Antoni Espasa: Department of Statistics and Instituto Flores de Lemus, University Carlos III of Madrid

Macroeconomic variables are weighted averages of a large number of components. Our objective is to model and forecast all of the N components of a macro variable. The main feature of our proposal consists of discovering subsets of components sharing single common trends neither assuming pervasiveness of those trends, nor imposing special restrictions on the serial or cross-sectional idiosyncratic correlation. We adopt a pairwise approach and study its statistical properties. Our asymptotic theory works both, with xed N and T ! 1, and with [T;N] ! 1. An extension of our strategy allows a wide type of conditional and unconditional heteroskedasticity. The paper includes an application to the breakdown of the US CPI in 159 components.


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A guide for the evaluation of programs of human capital training for science, technology and innovation



Diego Aboal, Marcelo Perera, Ezequiel Tacsir & Maren Vairo


We provide a practical guide for impact evaluation of Training and Human Capital programs in Science Technology and Innovation (STI). This document addresses specific challenges that arise when evaluating this type of programs, discussing its logic, the advantages and drawbacks of the different sources of information, the strategies which may be appropriate for evaluation, and the suitability of applying the different experimental and quasi-experimental available methods. For each technique, the document highlights the characteristics and assumptions, the strengths and weaknesses, and the practical issues related to their application to programs of human capital training for STI. Also, some specific issues, as for example the time after which the effects and externalities are expected to materialize, are discussed. Discussion is based on specific examples of existing evaluations.

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CINVE starts a research project on Obstacles


CINVE starts a research project on Obstacles for Innovation in Paraguay for the National Council of Science and Technology of Paraguay (CONACYT)


Diego Aboal was designated as member of the scientific committee of LALIC


Diego Aboal was designated as member of the scientific committee of LALICS, the Latin-American chapter of GLOBELICS.  <

Diego Aboal and Maren Vairo published the paper in the journal Science and Public Policy (Q1 SJR).


Diego Aboal and Maren Vairo published the paper “The impact of subsidies for researchers on the gender scientific productivity gap” in the journal

Science and Public Policy (Q1 SJR).




On November 16 and 17, 2017, the 10th Model-based Evidence on Innovation and Development Conference (MEIDE) will be held in Montevideo at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration (UDELAR) and the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences (Universidad ORT Uruguay ).

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Diego Aboal in Buenos Aires from 9 October.


Diego Aboal attend the FES – NUSO workshop on Productive Structure, Intensive Agriculture and Innovation:
Towards the Social-Ecological Transformation of the Economies in Latin America in Buenos Aires from 9 October.